From its wide range of film, shrink, sleeve and form shoulder wrapping machines, Beck Packautomaten will be showing a Serienpacker S 1750 XJ packaging system that will be demonstrating the film wrapping of a range of different types and sizes of products in order to highlight its great versatility.
In a separate demonstration Schib Packaging will have on display a CO 130 INT horizontal flow wrapping machine which can operate at up to 40 items per minute depending on product size and shape. Visitors to the stand will be able to view the flow wrapping of a variety of products.
Further details of Beck Packautomaten and Schib Packaging equipment, along with product information from Friedheim International’s other UK & Ireland represented manufacturers – Buhrs (poly wrapping and paper wrapping systems), Audion Elektro (stand-alone combination seal/shrink wrapping machines) and Pfankuch Maschinen (automatic horizontal and vertical feeders) – will be available on the stand.
In addition, details of related consumables (eg: packaging film), as well as Service & Maintenance contracts and Training courses, will also be provided.