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The last two days saw the UK print industry toast creativity in print the only way a UK industry should.  By drinking copious amounts of alcohol, listening to bands belt out some great music and enjoying two days of the finest weather the British meteorological office could pray for. Hosts Duplo put on an incredible festival vibe with support from us, along with Vivid laminating, Renz UK and Infigo software.

We saw our customers arrive by mini bus, band after band playing, some rather sketchy magicians performing even sketchier acts, drink, food, good cheer over flowing, and you saw burdens being temporarily lifted from shoulders.  To be honest it’s been a tough few years, although we’ve seen an uptick in growth, we’ve seen major upsets in the industry and some good friends having to close their doors.  #DuploFest gave us all a chance to take stock, look around and see that the UK print industry has gone through the wringer, but has come out leaner and stronger than before.

The event was a bold move and brain child of Duplo Managing Director Peter Jolly, in a message to customer he wrote ‘I’m trying something very different here at Duplo and I would love to call on your support.’ The industry response was unanimous.  Those who could make it dropped their work load and came.  As partners we were given a very small window to plan and strategise, but in the end Peter’s words hit home and we all pulled out the impossible.

All the partners and their associated machines where arrayed in Peter’s Field which was usually packed out by people either hiding from the sun or actually interested in the kit.

We pride ourselves on adding value to our customer and their print finishing departments.  Taking the Komfi Amiga 52 with it’s OTF option was an obvious choice since more and more companies are wanting to add more services and options for their customers – it paid off because it was a hit, especially with the new holographic foil provided by Foilco.  The NEW Schneider 78 Advance was also present.  Together they finished business cards that we had pre printed and laminated so we could show off the high quality and robust output of the laminator. The whole theme for the event was creativity in print – really educating our customers and showing them how much more they can get out of the printed materials and how Print can impact a fully comprehensive marketing campaign. Our Post Press National Sales Manager, Stuart Bamford attended the first day ‘it’s really good to see so many of our customers enjoying themselves, it’s not just about the kit with us, we perform and provide a service that our customers trust us with. This kind of event bolsters the industry and it’s positivity in infectious….The burgers were great too!’

Some of our customers:

  • amazon
  • ds smith, friedheim customers, friedheim references, friedheim installs
  • ds smith, friedheim customers, friedheim references, friedheim installs
  • ds smith, friedheim customers, friedheim references, friedheim installs